Welcome to TV-Ville Part One: The Vita-meata-vegamin Girl

Like many other teens and preteens of the 50s, 60s and 70s, I used to come home from school; brain-drained from algebraic equations and  reciting Robert Frost poems.  My refuge was a 12-inch Panasonic black and white TV, propped up on an orange night stand across from my bed.  I'd plop myself down with a Fresca and some Charles Chips straight from the can and have myself a rerun fest to relieve the pressure of all those calculations, poems and adverb clauses crowded between my ears. The hours between 4 and 5 pm were occupied by I Love Lucy and Gilligan's Island.  I love those shows to this very day and so, in tribute, I offer you the bumbling Miss Ball, wielding her magic elixer of alcohol, vitamins and mirth, guaranteed to make you laugh until you hurt.  A toast: to classic TV reruns.  Raise your shot glass of Vitameatavegamin and hang on for a wild ride through TV-Ville.


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