On the Wings of a Dragon Fly

In 2002, Laci Peterson disappeared from her home in Modesto, California.  She was 8 months pregnant with her son Connor.  Her husband Scott reported her missing and insisted he did not kill Laci even though he was shown to be the primary person of interest.  One year later, her remains and those of her unborn son Connor, were found washed up on the San Francisco Bay shore: proximal to the place Scott went fishing the day Laci went missing. Although there was insufficient evidence to prove cause of death, both mother and child were ruled homicide. Scott was charged with 2 counts of murder. At the beginning of the trial, it appeared Scott might not be convicted but the testimony of his paramour, Amber Frey, provided damning evidence of motive and attempts to conceal his guilt.
 The most dangerous and vulnerable time for a woman is when she's pregnant. I dedicate this painting to those who knew and loved Laci, to her precious son Conner and to all victims of domestic violence: both past and future. If you are in an abusive relationship, don't wait till it's too late. Call the domestic abuse hotline 800-799-7233


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