TV-Ville part nine: Lucy Goes Boob Tube

Sorry folks, I have plummeted into an artist funk. I'll admit it. I got myself this way as I often do by talking myself down and lumpjng myself into the Bob Ross genre of artists. Cheap, kitschy and average. My husband says I'm my own worst enemy. He's probably right. This latest funk I'm in, started with this drawing. When I first embarked on it,  I thought it would be the most fun and possibly the easiest to draw. After all I was hot and on a roll with the whole Lucy thing. I was excited about drawing Lucy's wide open smile and her bright red bell hop hat. Turns out it was neither fun nor easy. In fact, it turned out be an exercise in frustration with an outcome of THUMBS DOWN. It took me 6 to-dos to get it even close to the original picture and as you can see, something's off. I thought my days of bad drawings were behind me, but this one proves they are not. In fact it was so bad, the moderator of the the Digital Artists Guild wouldn't even post it!  I should be embarrassed to post this one on my blog but after I recover from my funk, maybe I'll be able to look back constructively at it and count it as a learning experience. 


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