French Quarter in the Rain

When we moved to sunny California from rainy Houston more than a half a decade ago, I realized how much I miss the rain. A storm here in Santa Barbara county is a few gray clouds and a little spit from the sky in the wee hours of the morning. By the time you get up, the sun is out and you never get to enjoy it. People here like it but, I pine for those Gulf coast soakers where the sky turns navy blue and it looks like the end of the world. Rain drops the size of peach pits pummel your windows while claps of thunder as loud as a sonic boom, energize me like a shot of B12. I need to be watered, I think to myself as I lick my desert-dry lips. So, since mother nature will not honor my requests, I create it on canvas. I love rain and I love New Orleans so if you can't find me today, I'm vacationing inside this painting. If you like wet weather,  there's more to come at The Gina Sigman Gallery.


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