After years, of "showing up", posting, emailing, and failing to get recognized or admitted to any art galleries, no matter how large or small, I'm faced with the fact that I am a FAILURE as an artist.  What does it mean to be a successful artist?  I don't know because I've never been one. But if I had to say what accomplishments constitute a good artist, I would have to say being in a gallery, being recognized in some way either by a contest or by media and most importantly, having a healthy number of followers.  Take this blog for example.  It has a following of ZERO. (Maybe one if I count myself)  This cartoon drawing I did this morning is an example of the mediocrity I project as an artist and why no one bothers to look at it.  It lacks the dimension and pizazz that good artists have and believe me; there are many good artists out there. This drawing got a couple of likes on Facebook and a big fat ONE on Instagram.  My daughter thought the statement in the cartoon bubble was hilarious.  Glad I made her laugh during this gloomy corona crisis we're in.
My goal has always been to share my art with the world, entertain them and make them happy. My second goal is to have my art recognized in a contest or be received by a gallery.  These are the things that are considered measures of success as an artist.  Is it time to throw in the canvas?  I feel as if it is.  After all, why am I drawing?  I hate my own drawings.  They are of no use to me or anyone else.  That's it for today.


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