Do It Again

If the Skunk can do "Do It Again", so can I! This is my second painting of Jeff Skunk Baxter. Why did I revisit this celebrated legend of guitar and top secret defense advisor? Well, because I've always had an affinity for dichotomic, well-rounded individuals with artistic talent. Apparently every, journalist, radio and tv host agrees. Flip through any online publication or popular tv talk show and who do you see? JSB! 
So I ask myself this question again. Why the repaint? Well because he's just fun to draw! That dashing set of white whiskers and the aviator glasses just ask to be painted. I'm painting this while listening to his latest album, Speed of Heat, which is a mosaic of country, jazz, blues and everything in between. I fell into this trance from start to finish, taking breaths between brush strokes. On August 2nd, I'll be attending his concert at the Troubadour in West Hollywood, with my husband, Barry Sigman; photographer and editor of All Access Music News. It would be my privilege to present Mr.Baxter with this 4x6 giclee of his likeness after the show but it all rests in the hands of fate, and his manager of course. And now...without further ado, Jeff "Skunk Baxter.
 UPDATE; AUGUST 3, 2022. The hands of fate were good to me. Actually, Jeffrey's son, Fender was the hand of fate. Fender, who is also his roadie and right-hand man, hooked me up with his dad before the show. I showed him the  painting and he said "oh! I took that picture of my dad in the green room." When I told him this was a painting, his expression changed. "Wow. You painted this? Oh Dad's gunna love it."  And love it he did. In walked my guitar hero, through the Troubadour foyer and I got to present my painting to him.  "Thank you. You're so sweet, " the Skunk said softly, holding my painting with care as if it were a Rembrandt.  We posed for a picture together: a moment frozen in time. The click of my husband Barry's Canon 50 D shutter, woke me out of my foggy trance. Time for the concert! We all filed through the heavy wooden doors for the opening act, Gooding, who is next on my sketch list. Skunk's concert was nothing less than magical. A series of stories and brotherly banter between him and his keyboardist, CJ Vanston followed by a good measure of songs from his Speed of Heat album, a cleanly executed Rikki Don't Lose That Number and ending with a country rendition of China Grove. Magical...just magical. After the show as we were getting ready to leave, Fender revealed to me Skunk's plans for my painting. He said Skunk told him my painting will have its place on the shelf next to his Grammy Awards! Imagine that! I came to West Hollywood with my painting and left with a heart full of music and honors that I only could have dreamed of. 


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