
Showing posts from 2021

Then and Now: Pat Simmons

Seems I'm always starting a new series and never finish it! Short attention span I guess. Husband Barry gave me this idea to do blended paintings of rockstars from young to old. Once again, Pat Simmons gets to be first in line. Who's next? I dunno. I have to finish a commissioned wedding portrait first. focus is all over the place! Anyway, here he is: as clear as the driven snow: Mr. Pat Simmons.

Bloody Ozzy

Brits throw the word "bloody" around all the time so I figured I'd title this painting with it as well. After all, Black Sabbath conjures up snguinous images of bloody this and that. What rock star collection would be complete without a scratching of Ozzy. Sharrrrrron! 

Spectral Lizard King

Last Month, I featured a drawing of my dear  friend and legendary Woodstock photographer, Henry Diltz. I'm following up with a drawing of Jim Morrison, the Lizard King himself, inspired by one of Henry's photos. I hope you enjoy the acidy spectral aura I added. To see more of Henry's extraordinary works, visit

Wildly Static Marilyn

I took a few weeks hiatus from drawing recently. I was worried that my progress would backslide. On the contrary, I discovered a whole new perspective and style that I never had. Marilyn is one of those subjects that is such a staple in any artist's repertoire.  Her curves and her energy just jump off a page. 

With Strings Attached

Social media has changed our world: helped us find long lost friends only to be separated from them again by our differences. It controls us if we let it. It is time to cut the strings that bind us before we become permanent puppet slaves to big tech.

Sealed with a Kiss

Paul Stanley is one of the most, handsome well-preserved, longest standing guitarists on the rock n roll food chain. Even with the makeup on, his chiseled looks shine through.  All the color, shadows and sparkles it took to put this painting together were worth the labor! Here he is...Paul Stanley!

A Tribute to America's Youth and 911

I often accompany my husband, Barry on dozens of his photo shoots for our local newspaper. It gets me out of the house and always opens me to new adventures. Thursday, I had the priviledge of watching and actually helping Santa Ynez high school students plant 2, 996 US flags into the front lawn of the high school.  The flags of course represent the 2,996 souls who died in the 911 attacks. The students were all part of the Young Americans Foundation, an organization that imparts patriotism, traditional values and free enterprise to America's youth. I was so overwhelmed and inspired by their enthusiasm and dedication that I was compelled to create this painting. Thank you, Noah, for being my subject and thanks to Jenny (Noah's mom) for letting me post this painting. Also a special thanks to my husband Barry whose photos, including this one, are the reference for many of the paintings I do. To all of the Young Americans at Santa Ynez High who participated: I salute you! YOU ARE OU

A Lean Towards Clapton

Look who's been added to the Rock n Roll Legends collection: Sir Eric Clapton himself! Praised for his bravery coming forth against the evil jab, he is more than a guitar hero in my eyes. Although not necessarily a stunning specimen to draw, he is an extraordinary guitarist, deserving of this in-action rendering. 

A Smoke and a Smirk


Rock n Roll Legends


Henry Diltz

This week's celebrity "focus" is on legendary Woodstock rock photographer, Henry Diltz. Last week when he asked if I would paint him, I actually got nervous! Me painting the famous man who takes pictures! Henry is the sweetest, most humble man when talking about his craft. He is so unpretentious and never turns down an opportunity  to learn from other photographers (including my husband who to the photo that I used as a reference). I finally got to present Henry with the painting as a belated birthday gift. As you can see, he was taken by surprise. He even noted he was wearing the same shirt he was wearing in the painting! The photo below was taken by my very own legendary husband, photographer Barry Sigman who works with Henry.

Joan Crawford

Whenever I need a good dose of class, elegance and noir entertainment, I always turn to a good Joan Crawford movie. My favorite: Queen Bee, in which she plays a vicious, narcissistic, controling bitch.  I love the color pink and apparently so did Joanie.  Since most of her hey day movies were in black and white, I had a hard time finding a prototype photo of her to work from. Here she is in colorful Hollywood glamour, the laye great Joan Crawford.

James Dean

Ah, beautiful James Dean: a dichotomic mixture of bad boy and tender innocence.  After a recent trek back home from Fresno, driving down the 46, we stopped at his ill-fated crash site. As I stood  in front of the monument, late afternoon sun in my eyes and a dry, warming wind blowing through my hair, I could hear Jamesy whisper to me, "draw me, Gina. Draw me." And so, I did. (James Dean monument photo courtesy of Barry Sigman Photography)

Roger Daltrey

Ladies and gentlemen: front man screamer of The Who, Mr. Roger Daltrey. As the wife of a hairy-chested a rock musician, the prospect of painting Roger's bare chest as depicted here, seemed a bit...boring.  However, once I began this project, I found Mr. Daltrey's chiseled features a refreshing challenge. I won't get fooled again!

98 St. Mark's Place

The cover of Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti . Someday...I said to myself, I want to physically stand in front of 98 St.Marks Place in New York City. Now, I doubt that will ever happen. With New York City war-torn by the ravages of covid restrictions and a defunded police department, the odds of going there get slimmer and slimmer. I can visit in my painting though. Think about it. Painting is a portal to a world I might not ever see; a virtual face to face meet n greet with the most talented, famous people in the world. I am blessed to have this gift.

B B B Benny and the....

Who else? Elton John! 2 years qgo, I was seated in the audience at a concert series my husband is one of the official photographers for. It's called Tales from the Tavern. All the locals come out to listen to and enjoy a private evening of live music. It's a tiny venue that only seats about 100 and because the Santa Ynez Valley is dotted with legendary music people, you never know who will show up.  That evening, seated in front of me, was celebrated songwriter, Mr. Bernie Taupin. I could have drawn Bernie but chose this colorfully feathered version of Elton instead.  As Bernie says, "you had a busy day today..." 

Skunk Baxter

This week's featured artist is rock star of the stars himself, Mr. Jeff "Skunk" Baxter.  This former Steely Dan member and Doobie Brother has quite a constellation of merits and credits including session work with Eric Clapton, Gene Simmons, Dolly Parton, Carly Simon and Ringo Star. But it doesn't stop there. In '95, he was on the missile defense advisory board!  The Skunk has just finished his latest album, The Speed of Heat which will be coming out soon. He's revived and upgraded the tasty Steely Dan song My Old School. I just got done listening to it and let me tell ya, it is SOLAR! Can't wait to hear the rest of the album. I have the utmost respect for this man of great musical talents and contributions to the welfare and preservation of mankind. For you, Skunk.


Few rock stars of the 60s and 70s had the sex appeal of Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant. In an interview, he once said he carefully studied Elvis' moves. All I can say is, well done, grasshopper! How could I resist drawing him? He reminds me of my sexy husband, Barry; with his tousled curly mane  and dimpled chin that I could just crawl into! As a teenager on rainy days, I used to sit in my room and draw for hours. I'd replay The Rain Song over and over. I did the same thing for inspiration as I drew this rendering of the greatest crooner of all time, Mr. Robert Plant.





Pat Simmons

Black Water just keeps on rollin' in this month's featured celebrity painting of Doobie Brother, Pat Simmons. I'm sure he'd be "much obliged indeed." Coming soon....Mr. Willie Nelson.





The Marriage of Art and Photography: Introducing the Side by Side Series

12 years ago, I married the man of my dreams. Barry Sigman.  We have walked an amazing path together and it's far from over!  I am so excited to introduce his work here on my page and even more excited to collaborate with him on our latest project: Side by Side.  Side by Side is a series featuring the marriage of his photography and my art.  I have chosen some of my favorite photos of his and turned them into art.  Then, feature our works together, side by side.  Isn't it romantic?  I think!  Barry is an accomplished concert photographer and is well known throughout the music world among artists such as Willie Nelson, Foreigner, the Marshall Tucker Band and many others. In addition, he has done album covers for artists such as Jim Messina, American Idol winner Sundance Head and many others.  His list of accolades is so vast, it would fill up this page and wouldn't leave enough room for the pictures.  So, without further ado, here is the first in our series featuring Steven