
Showing posts from June, 2024

Peyton's Kiss

Out of all the paintings I've ever done, Peyton's Kiss has the most endearing story of all. Although I usually cringe at doing commissioned paintings, my long-time friend, Steve Adams, asked me to paint this picture of his friend Ashley's daughter, Peyton as a birthday gift.  I thought....sheesh...a baby kissing a mirror?? How the hell am I going to do this one? It seemed like a daunting task but I went to work and finished it in less than a week, mailing it off in time for Ashley'sbirthday party.. I was so touched when Steve sent me a video of her opening her present. Here was lady whom I'd never met and yet, I got to touch her life through my artwork.   God has blessed me with this talent and I never take it for granted. So here's Peyton.

Cockadooodle Do!

I figured it was about time to feature some barnyard animals. Everyone loves roosters.  I wanted to paint this one, hoping to have some art to hang when I remodel my chicken...uh....I mean kitchen! You know, farm house style with a rooster theme. Alas, my kitchen still remains in desperate need of repair but my beautiful rooster proudly poses here for all to see and admire. Ain't he beautiful?

It's All Happening

It's hard to believe that the movie, Almost Famous will be a quarter of a century old next year!  It was Kate Hudson's debut film. Her angelic blonde curls and impish smile were almost as sweet and beguiling as her co-star Patrick Fugit. This movie has stood the test of time and remains one of my favorite movies. Kate plays the role of the groupie and love interest of Still Water lead singer, Russell Hammond. Here she is, wearing that infamous shearling coat and peering through oval hippie shades, Miss Penny Lane.