
Showing posts from 2023

He's Just A Sweet Primadonna

Most Struts fans agree that Luke Spiller could comfortably fill the platform shoes of Dr. Frank N Furter for a Rocky Horror remake. His classic pretty yet, masculine features, bone chillingly delicious vocals and clipped Brittish accent make him a prime choice for the cult classic role. I painted this with loving care and tender regard for details using several prototypes including a frontal facial photo taken by renowned concert photographer, Barry Sigman (my adorable husband) So the question on everyone's mind is, if you were offered the role of Frank N, would you take it, Luke? Just remember, if you don't, you'll be wrrrlllllapped in your regret!


The owner of the plane featured in this painting I did, is the husband of a friend of mine. He's a private pilot who flies celebrities and people of wealth and stature. His "A" list includes reporters from Fox news.  My friend wanted to give her hubby something special for his birthday so she had me paint his favorite plane....TO THE DETAIL.  I'd never painted a plane before; much less, been a passenger in a chartered plane.  It stands to reason then, that it took me 28 revisions to get it right. Here is the result!

Little House on the Ocean


The Light of All


With Love From China

Could this seemingly whimsical object in the skies be an act of terror? Perhaps it's to blame for our severe inclement weather patterns, unexplained cases of chronic fatigue,  or still births? Ok. Maybe I'm waxing a little intense with the conspiracy theories but one thing's for certain: it's not a gift from China. If you read and write Mandarin, perhaps you'll understand the lettering on the bottom of the balloon. Hint: it doesn't say happy birthday.


I'm honored to present this hazy purple rendition of the late, Jimi Hendrix

The Doctor is IN

Meet Dr. Brian May. No. He's not a medical doctor. He holds a doctorate in astronomy.  Yes, Queen's brilliant guitarist is a renaissance man! Under that bushy mane if hair is a very very well-developed brain: both musically and otherwise. I hope you enjoy this rendering of him.

The Bonnie Blues

When I think of the blues, I think red. The flaming red hair and fiery guitar licks of the great guitar goddess herself, Ms. Bonnie Raitt. 

a Tribute to the Late David Crosby

Not only was Mr. Crosby an iconic symbol of 60s and 70s rock, he was our neighbor too. Other neighbors say he was a kind humanitarian.  And so, here is a tribute to this great singer, songwriter and musician and the lingering legacy he leaves.

Luke Spiller

Struts frontman, Luke Spiller is one of the most unsung classic rock heroes of the 2100st century.  After years of lousy excuses for musical talent: enter The Struts.  He calls his style victorian rock and channels the spirit of Freddie Mercury with his flamboyant presence on stage. Here he is: dragging on an old fashioned smoke, looking as bad boy as can be....I present to you, the man who rescued rock n roll, MR. LUKE SPILLER.

Tu tu pretty

I'm currently on hiatus from painting but I thought I would go back through my portfolio and give you some of my absolute classics. No celeb collection is complete without Marilyn. My rendition of Milton Green's famous photo of Marilyn reflects the dicotomy of her delicate innocence and raw sexuality.